Spotlight on Collaboration: TEKNE Personal Training Meets Julles Posh Food

Kenyarda Patterson • Apr 03, 2024

Introducing Liit Eats

Clean Eating + Effective Workouts = Wellness

At TEKNE Personal Training, we believe achieving peak physical condition hinges not only on empowering workouts, but also on the fuel you supply your body. That's why we are thrilled to announce our latest partnership with Chef Julles of Julles Posh Food Co, which is setting a new standard in the synergy of fitness and nutrition.

We know that our workouts are meticulously designed for results. But alone, even the best workout regimen cannot assure absolute wellness. What's missing? An optimally balanced diet. It's like fitting together the pieces of a wellness puzzle. And with Julles Posh Food, the final piece snaps seamlessly into place. Together, we're serving up a menu that pairs chef-driven culinary craft with calorie-smart engineering to enhance your hard work at the gym.

Meals Marrying Fitness with Flavors

The menu, curated by Chef Julles herself, includes delectable options, all of which sync perfectly with the fitness plans curated by Kenyada Patterson, our physical training luminary. Here's just a taste of what you can order when you choose TEKNE and Julles Posh for your nutritional needs:


Tailored Nutrition Meets Customized Training

The goal of this unique collaboration is to supplement your diligent workout regimen with a diet that is equally disciplined. With TEKNE Personal Training's expertise in crafting personalized fitness programs, combined with the culinary excellence of Julles Posh Food, we are providing full-service care for your health and fitness efforts.

This partnership goes beyond transactional meal planning; it's a commitment to elevate the lifestyle of our clients at TEKNE. We are adopting a holistic approach that includes diet as a foundational pillar of wellness. By integrating the convenience of ready-made meals with our fitness philosophy, we're helping you take a significant leap towards achieving the outcomes you strive for in your physical training.

Ready to Elevate Your Wellness?

If the promise of total wellness through targeted training and precision nutrition excites you, we invite you to Book a Consultation and take the definitive step towards achieving a balanced and fit life.

Holistic health is not a distant dream—it's a plate and a workout away!


Build the body


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